Native American Indian Records

Indian Tribe Records
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Many in today's modern era have had the story passed down through the years concerning the possibility of indigenous blood flowing through their veins.

From old stories passed down from great grandparents, many have esteemed the knowledge that they have their ancient roots found among tribal citizens.

This is particularly true of folks who were American colonists that married women of local Indian Tribes in the earliest days of the settlement of Europeans on this continent, of which stories of there being a Great Great Grandparent that was indigenous being found somewhere in the root cellar.

More often than not, these wonderful stories have no paper trail to follow up on, and this sometimes leaves their descendants without the ability to trace their lineage with suitable documentation.

Many in places like Appalachia have heard long told stories of traditions concerning their kin, yet after years and years and untold generations, the memories have grown faint and are not nearly as vivid in the minds of our beloved elders as they once were.

In other places like the Ozarks, quite a number of different groups lived for a time where they left countless descendants. And while it has been greatly over exaggerated over the years in some circles, there were indeed many from all these groups who suffered through forced removal who indeed fled for their very lives and escaped these horrific conditions for to seek a better life and freedom from constant oppression.

These folks escaped into obscurity among the forests and mountains during the times when they passed through on their way to Oklahoma.

So many escaped during these forced removals that there is truly no way to know just how many actually fled their group when the soldiers were not looking.

What we do know is that it was quite a number of folks, any of which could at this time have produced literally thousands of offspring for each individual.

Many of these descendants visit our pages daily. And there are a great many folks who have heard stories, yet they have had no proof as their ancestors may have lived long before any rolls ever existed.

Traditional minded individuals are famous for looking through every scrap of handwritten letters and working to decipher granny's notes in her Bible, only to not find any mention or any concrete evidence concerning the connection to their ancestry.

It is for this reason that we have assembled some of the finest information available to assist you in learning about those that originate in our country as a way to help you discover more about your roots.

Census Records    Military Service    Newspaper Obituaries

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